Saturday, May 28, 2016

89. Traffic - The Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys

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This 'paste-over' work was done with in the intention of making a three-dimensional image look flat. This looks arresting, but to me, it doesn't look three-
dimensional at all.  It does feel spacey and seems  to float over the black background, and the only space it will occupy would be  the space on your 18X10
resolution screen.  The purpose is to not attain  anything in spite of the effort,  to not feel the joy in spite of the cheer and to show the bleakness without
the frustration.

The traffic is stalled and no new heights are reached. And as the song goes, "Don't worry too much, it'll happen to you; we were children once playing with
toys." The Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys

This was the first album cover ever  designed by artist Tony Wright.  It has been said that this art "looks like
Traffic's music sounds",  and we  heartily agree.  The different shapes  and textures are very  similar to how
the music of Steve Winwood and Jim Capaldi sounds. As most people who own this record know, the corners
are chopped off.  This was done to  create  the cube effect that the art was designed to portray.  It worked
brilliantly! Visual Gallery

The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys' cover is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.

No. 625, The Virgin All-Time Album Top 1000.

No. 76, Rolling Stone, The 100 Greatest Album Covers.

Cover design by Tony Wright, photography by Richard Polack. Album produced by Steve Winwood. Island 1971.

An incredible  collection of talent made  up this band and it shows  through on  both sides of this record.  The
voices,  instruments and arrangements  seem to be unique to this place and time.  Who else besides could pull
off a 12:10 "Low Spark"  and  make you want  more when it finishes?  And the record  still sounds  fresh today.
Jazz inflections, world-beat percussion and that voice of Steve Winwood plaintive yet strong at the same time.
And you get the die-cut cover to top it all off. Who could ask for more?

(A) Hidden Treasure - The Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys - Light Up or Leave Me Alone

(B) Rock and Roll Stew - Many a Mile to Freedom - Rainmaker

"The Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys" live from Jam & Psych on MV on YouTube.



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